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We visit Greece as Travelers and not as Tourists... We See the other Greece
There are a lot of amazing places on our Planet. The Sea or the Mountains, the beaches or the ski resorts, big castles or small forts, forests or lakes, the big cities or small villages, the beauty (Nature or Architecture) of which just makes you stop and admire… But how many places in our Planet they can combine beauty with History and Mythology more than 10.000 years… The answer it's Greece… In Greece you will find all… see our Photos.

Thank you all for visiting our site Greece Private Tours, a unique and not a copy/paste Web photo site...
Why Greece Private Tours: Because we visit Greece as travelers, not as tourists, we get as excited as you, we love traveling, photography, exploring, learning History.... We visit all the sites as travelers and try to avoid the large tourist groups' usual hours. Our website photos are a testament to this and its a work of 19 years, which never stops, but only continues... Although we have greatly enjoyed traveling around Greece, checking out places, taking photos and writing our text, as we are sure you can appreciate, it was at great expense and also time consuming. We continue to develop the site updating and adding new information constantly. The information contained on this Web Site, including but not limited to its photographs, designs, graphs, logos, screens and literary content and information, including any software programs available on or through the Site, or any part thereof is protected by and/or registered under both the Greek Copyright © and Trademark Laws and the International Treaties, with all rights reserved. Users are prohibited from reproducing, republishing, distributing, publishing, selling, transferring, modifying in any manner, or creating derivative works or using any content or data available on or through this site by any means whatsoever, without the express prior written permission of Greece Private Tours.
There are 2 websites ATHENSDAYTOURS.GR and OLIVESEA.GR by the same owner "Vassilis Vlachos", who stole our Slogan and our Photos ( I will not exaggerate if I will say more than 600 Photos)... If there is someone to advise us in this matter, he is welcome...

All photos are taken from Nikolas, our Photographer and the webmaster of this unique Web Photo Site... Thank You